Pat Collins, American hypnotist – 1935 -1997. In her heyday she had her own nightclub act where she would hypnotize volunteers in the audience. She also appeared as herself in one episode of the Lucy Show and had a TV and film presence.

Pat Collins, American hypnotist – 1935 -1997. In her heyday she had her own nightclub act where she would hypnotize volunteers in the audience. She also appeared as herself in one episode of the Lucy Show and had a TV and film presence.
Love the line: ‘”Yes, they always believe they come of free will”
I received the below email from a new caller after he purchased the AMNESIA PROJECT mp3 from the Goody Bag section. I would say the recording had the desired effect. I always enjoy hearing such positive words and on this occasion I thought I would share this with you…
…I listened on Niteflirt File play and clicked play all, the next thing I knew was it was about 3 hours later and there was an extremely loud Thunderstorm in progress and the mp3 was still playing the clicks that faded out at the end and then I stopped it. It must have been looping. I was extremely aroused and thoughts of you filled my mind but nothing else, my mind felt numb and blank except for wanting to hear your sweet hypnotic voice again as soon as I could. I actually felt distant from myself and everything around me. It was very strange but beautifully restfull and arousing. I feel so deeply that I will obey you Mistress, it is a deep desire inside me, maybe that was something in the mp3 but I don’t know. I wonder what else you said to me. Thank you so much Mistress. I will try to loop the Listen mp3 and listen to that tonight but I am tempted to listen to Amnesia again first. I also hope to session with you as soon as I can and of course when you let me Mistress. I feel so open to you Mistress it is hard to describe but so lovely to feel, I can feel you in my mind. I get so aroused just writng this too.
Lots of Love
Totally Yours (name withheld for privacy)
after you have listened to the new MP3 – Welcome to the Sleep Clinic. You can find it in the HYPNO BUY NOW. I am always finding ways to manipulate, and the idea of the Sleep Clinic just sparked an idea. This is not explicit, although I really must get down to doing a few that are. Nevertheless, having said that, even when I am not explicit, I seem to manipulate a certain response in the listener’s lower region.
Love this 1940’s trailer. Classic and totally over the top – or is it???? I have found many a caller feeling as if he has given his soul to me. Who gives a care for love when you can have the soul!
Always been a fan of Kate Bush. An oldie but goodie… The Sensual World.
I love this hypnotic clip from the 70s. Hope you enjoy it too… which you will, won’t you?
Yes, Beverly, I will.
“I want to help you…”
Erotic sci-fi. What’s not to like. Many a good fantasy involves women from another planet on a mission to earth. Anyone see the classic ‘Cat Women of the Moon’? It’s great in a wonderful B Movie sort of way.
I always enjoying hearing how a session left a residual effect on a caller. Today, on yahoo, a caller comes on and instant messages me this…
Hello. It’s really too soon after last week, to think about a return. Income and all that. But I am thinking and feel an adoring, appreciative rant is due.
It seems that sometimes it takes a while for words.and images to come back to me. Over all these years we have covered many scenarios. Some leave me feeling shamed and humiliated. Others excited and desperate for more. None, ever, more so than that amazing night….
A few months back, when I was drunk and your voice found that perfect pitch, cadence and tone…spiritual!
And there you have it… one slightly hooked devotee. (I’m English – I always understate!)